Do-It-Yourself Mosquito Treaments
Safe for the Whole Family
Treat Your Yard. Save Some Dough.
(who can argue with that?)
Do you want to treat your yard but don’t want to pay hundreds of dollars each season or install a misting system?
Try our All New Portable Mosquito Sprayer, Mosquito Steve Ready-To-Use (RTU) Hose End Sprayer, Amazing Granules and some incense!

Mosquito Steve Portable Sprayer

One device to take care of all of your mosquito repelling needs!
Introducing our new Mosquito Steve Model 14 Sprayer! Just fill the reservoir with the the included Mosquito Steve All Natural Mosquito Repellent and this portable sprayer protects a quarter acre with one touch of a button of the remote control.
Protection that lasts for hours!
Get yours today! Check with any authorized Mosquito Steve retailer or service provider!

Hose End Sprayer

Our Ready-To-Use Hose End Sprayer will cover 3500-5000 square feet. Simply hook it to your hose and go! Spray furniture, under furniture, shrubs, grass, gutters, under decks, in ground cover… ANYWHERE a mosquito might land or hide. People always call and ask: Even the concrete? YES!
Be sure to spray in standing water and in drains. The beautiful thing about using our hose end sprayer is that it makes it easy to be thorough! Remember, when getting rid of mosquitoes, thoroughness is the key!
Whether you use our RTU Hose End Sprayer or have one of your own, you can refill by using our 16 OZ Hose End Refill. Add just a few ounces to your sprayer reservoir and then FILL WITH WATER. Connect it to your hose end spray!

Amazing Granules

Next, sprinkle some amazing granules in your drains and in any standing water. This will make it unlikely the female mosquitoes will lay eggs there. You can also sprinkle the granules in ground cover and places where the underside of leaves might not have been wetted by hose end spraying. You will be amazed if you throw some granules under shrubs and watch flying insects go away!

Incense Sticks

Now, if you want a little extra protection, ten minutes before you gather outside, stick two or three of our 19” incense sticks in potted plants or near the area you will be sitting. As best possible, try to surround the area you will be lounging. If you have more then four or five people you may need to add a couple more! The incense will help protect your area for up to three hours! AND, it smells great!
Our Proven, All-Natural Products, Shipped Straight To You
nothing is more effective

Available Online or at These Fine Retailers & Service Providers
Ron's Organics | Mesquite
Suburban Plants | Mesquite
Richardson Saw & Lawnmower | Richardson
Shiro Feed & Fertilizer | Shiro
Service Providers
Friendly Outdoor Solutions | Dallas, Fort Worth, Denton
Ron's Organics | Dallas
Green Army | Dallas